SULSA Conference >Disruptive Technologies< 25. Sept. 19

Disruptive Technologies in the Life Sciences Conference –

from Single Molecules to Systems

Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh

Day One: Wed 25th Sept

Angus Lamond (University of Dundee @dundeeuni) – The British Society for Proteome Research Lecture (@UKBspr): Deep Proteomes, iPS cells & Data Mountains

Mara Lawniczak (@marakat) (Wellcome Sanger Institute @sangerinstitute): The Malaria Cell Atlas: using single cell RNAseq to explore Plasmodium biology 

Xiaodong Zhang (Imperial College London @imperialcollege): Structures and mechanisms of bacterial transcription initiation

Martin Walsh (Diamond Light Source, @DiamondLightSou): Disrupting the Structural Biology Landscape at Diamond Light Source

Poster Flashtalks


Mathew Horrocks (@MathewHHorrocks) (University of Edinburgh, @EdinburghUni): Understanding neurodegenerative disorders with super-resolution microscopy

Gail McConnell (@gailmcconnell) (University of Strathclyde, @UniStrathclyde): The Mesolens: a giant chromatically-corrected optical lens for high-resolution imaging of large tissue volumes

Peter Horvath (Finland/Institute of Biochemistry, @FIMM_UH): Life beyond the pixels: image analysis and machine learning methods for cell profiling

An amazing day...

ending with a nice Dinner and .. .whisky tasting

Angus Lamond
Martin Walsh
Xiaodong Zhan