Disruptive Technologies in the Life Sciences Conference –
from Single Molecules to Systems
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
Day Two: Wed 26th Sept
Mustafa Khammash (@KhammashLab) (ETH Zurich, @ETH_en): Robust Perfect Adaptation in Biology
Sarath Ramachandran (University of Dundee, @dundeeuni): Structure-based design of small molecules targeting E3 ubiquitin ligases: inhibitors and ligands for PROTACs
Leslie Mitchell (New York University Medical Centre, @nyuniversity): Big-DNA to solve big problems: applications of genome writing
Joanna Sadler (@JoSadler10) – SULSA ECR Technology Prize Winner (University of St Andrews, @univofstandrews): Plastic as a feedstock for the circular bioeconomy
Kosuke Yusa (Kyoto University, @KyotoU_News): Development and application of CRISPR-knockout screening
Mark Howarth (University of Oxford, @UniofOxford): Bacterial Superglues for Empowered Proteins and Global Health
Sir David Baulcombe (University of Cambridge, UK): RNA: more than a messenger. New biotechnologies in plants and animals
Very nice day again...

Leslie Mittchel

It has been a pleasure and a first for me being invited just to do sketchnotes... very nice, I hope you enjoy it as well!
Very nice day again...

Leslie Mittchel

It has been a pleasure and a first for me being invited just to do sketchnotes... very nice, I hope you enjoy it as well!