Virginie Uhlmann: Turning morphology into numbers across microscopy scales and modalities

Virginie Uhlmann 

(BioVisionCenter, University of Zürich & EMBL-EBI

"Turning morphology into numbers across microscopy scales and modalities"

Theory of Living Matter online talk organised by: Lakshmi Balasubramaniam, Paula García Galindo, Joel Hochstetter, Fengtong Ji, Ignacio Perez, Alexandre Porcher Fernandes, Tasmin Sarkany, Dillan Saunders 


Sketchnote of the talk by Virginie with sketched detail as were shown in the slides that accompanied the talk plus a wee comic impression of the speaker during the online session

Papers mentioned in the talk:

Uhlmann V, Hartley M, Moore J, Weisbart E, Zaritsky A. Making the most of bioimaging data through interdisciplinary interactions. Journal of cell science, 2024 doi:10.1242/jcs.262139.

Fabrèges D, Corominas-Murtra B, Moghe P, Kickuth A, Ichikawa T, Iwatani C, Tsukiyama T, Daniel N, Gering J, Stokkermans A, Wolny A, Kreshuk A, Duranthon V, Uhlmann V, Hannezo E, Hiiragi T. Temporal variability and cell mechanics control robustness in mammalian embryogenesis. Science (New York, N.Y.), 2024 doi:10.1126/science.adh1145.

Zinchenko V, Hugger J, Uhlmann V, Arendt D, Kreshuk A. MorphoFeatures for unsupervised exploration of cell types, tissues, and organs in volume electron microscopy. eLife, 2023 doi:10.7554/elife.80918.

Hallou A, Yevick HG, Dumitrascu B, Uhlmann V. Deep learning for bioimage analysis in developmental biology. Development, 148(18):dev19961

Uhlmann V, Ramdya P, Delgado-Gonzalo R, Benton R, Unser M FlyLimbTracker: An active contour based approach for leg segment tracking in unmarked, freely behaving Drosophila. PLoS One, 12(4):e0173433, 28 Apr 2017 

Delgado-Gonzalo R, Schmitter D, Uhlmann V, Unser M Efficient Shape Priors for Spline-Based Snakes. IEEE Trans Image Process, 24(11):3915-3926, 01 Nov 2015