Forces at Play Seminar 2025
Rebecca Taylor
Nucleic acid mechanotechnology for cellular interfaces and microrobotics
Microsystems & Mechanobiology Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
Curious & interested? The recorded talk can be found here: Link
Papers Mentioned during the talk:
Babatunde, B., Jonathan Cagan and Rebecca E. Taylor. An Improved Shape Annealing Algorithm for the Generation of Coated Deoxyribonucleic Acid Origami Nanostructures. Journal of Mechanical Design. 146(5):051708, 2024.
Wang, W., Bhavya Chopra, Vismaya Walawalkar, Zijuan Liang, Rebekah Adams, Markus Deserno, Xi Ren and Rebecca E. Taylor. Cell–Surface Binding of DNA Nanostructures for Enhanced Intracellular and Intranuclear Delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 16:15783-15797, 2024.
Goodwin-Schoen, C., and Rebecca E. Taylor. Modular, articulated models of DNA and peptide nucleic acids for nanotechnology education. The Biophysicist. 2023.
Roka-Moiia, Y., Vismaya Walawalkar, Ying Liu, Joseph E. Italiano, Marvin J. Slepian and Rebecca E. Taylor. DNA origami−platelet adducts: nanoconstruct binding without platelet activation. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 33(7):1295-1310, 2022.
Liu, Y., Piyumi Wijesekara, Sriram Kumar, Weitao Wang, Xi Ren and Rebecca E. Taylor. The effects of overhang placement and multivalency on cell labeling by DNA origami. Nanoscale. 13:6819-6828, 2021.