Nir Gov: Guided by curvature: A theoretical model of cellular shape dynamics and motility, coupling curvature and activity

Nir Gov (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Guided by curvature: A theoretical model of cellular shape dynamics and motility, coupling curvature and activity

Theory of Living Matter online seminar talk of Easter term 2023/24

Hosted by Lakshmi Balasubramaniam

More about Nir Gov Link to lab page

Some of the Publications mentioned in the talk:

Pipathsouk, A,  Rachel M. Brunetti,  Jason P. Town,  Brian R. Graziano,  Artù Breuer, Patrina A. Pellett,  Kyle Marchuk,  Ngoc-Han T. Tran,  Matthew F. Krummel,  Dimitrios Stamou, Orion D. Weiner: The WAVE complex associates with sites of saddle membrane curvature. J Cell Biol (2021) 220 (8): e202003086

Mattila, Pieta K. & Pekka Lappalainen Filopodia: molecular architecture and cellular functionsNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology volume 9, pages 446–454 (2008)

Sadhu R. K., Hernandez-Padilla C., Eisenbach Y. E., Penič S., Zhang L., Vishwasrao H. D., Behkam B., Konstantopoulos K., Shroff H., Iglič A., Peles E., Nain A. S. & Gov N. S.,Experimental and theoretical model for the origin of coiling of cellular protrusions around fibers Nature Communications 14

Song, Kwang Hoon, Sung Jea Park, Dong Sung Kim, Junsang Doh: Sinusoidal wavy surfaces for curvature-guided migration of T lymphocytes. Biomaterials 51, 2015, 151-160.

Drab M., Sadhu R. K., Ravid Y., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. & Gov N. S. Modeling cellular shape changes in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeletal forces , Book Chapter: Plasma Membrabne Shaping 415-429

Sadhu R. K., Barger S. R., Penič S., Iglič A., Krendel M., Gauthier N. C. & Gov N. S.,A theoretical model of efficient phagocytosis driven by curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces Soft Matter 2023

Sadhu R. K., Penič S., Iglič A. & Gov N. S.,Modelling cellular spreading and emergence of motility in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces European Physical Journal Plus 136

A similar talk can be seen here: Link