Centre for Neurotechnology Launch Workshop
Meet & greet over coffee
Simon Hanslmayr: Welcome and Introductions
Session 1: New Technologies (Chair: Dr. Michele Svanera)
Elsa Fouragnan: Inducing short to medium neuroplastic effects with Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation
(2019) 'The macaque anterior cingulate cortex translates counterfactual choice value into actual behavioral change' Nature Neuroscience 22, (5) 797-808
Daniele Faccio Optical sensing of brain activity and neurodegeneration
Hadi Heidari: Scalable Magnetic Sensors for Super-Resolution Muscle Measurements
Session 2: Non-invasive electrical stimulation (Chair Gregor Thut)
Nir Grossman (Keynote): Non-invasive Temporal Interference Deep Brain Stimulation
Violante IR, Alania K, Cassarà AM, Neufeld E, Acerbo E, Carron R, Williamson A, Kurtin DL, Rhodes E, Hampshire A, Kuster N, Boyden ES, Pascual-Leone A, Grossman Net al., 2023, Non-invasive temporal interference electrical stimulation of the human hippocampus., Nat Neurosci, Vol: 26, Pages: 1994-2004
Gang Li: Reduced Motion Sickness Using Brain Simulation
Li, G. , McGill, M., Brewster, S. , Chen, C. P., Anguera, J. A., Gazzaley, A. and Pollick, F. (2022) Multimodal biosensing for vestibular network-based cybersickness detection. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(6), pp. 2469-2480.
Gemma Learmouth: Is it all a sham? The importance of double-blinded control conditions in electrical neurostimulation
Turner, C., Jackson, C. and Learmonth, G. (2021) Is the “end-of-study guess” a valid measure of sham blinding during transcranial direct current stimulation? European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(5),
12:25 Lunch & Poster session in Atrium
Special session (Chair: Simon Hanslmayr)
Jacques Carolan (Keynote): Precisely interfacing with the human brain at scale: unlocking the next frontier in neurotechnologies
Session 3: Open Session (Chair Gabriela Cruz)
Emma Gordon: Cognitive Enhancement, Neurotechnology and Authenticity
Aleksandra Vuckovic: EEG technology for neuropathic pain management
Vuckovic, A. , Jajrees, M., Purcell, M., Berry, H. and Fraser, M. (2018) Electroencephalographic predictors of neuropathic pain in subacute spinal cord injury. Journal of Pain, 19(11), 1256.e1-1256.e17.
Session 4: Clinical Applications (Chair Monika Harvey)
Keith Mathieson (Keynote): Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Macular Degeneration
Cassandra Sampaio-Baptista: Using fMRI Neurofeedback to modulate brain function and structure in chronic stroke survivors
Jesse Dawson: Vagus nerve stimulation for post stroke recovery
Simon Hanslmayr: Closing remarks
On X: Launch day talks of the @Neurotech_UofG lead by A Vuckovic & @SimonHanslmayr it links ppl pushing technology and science. Increase understanding of & influence the brain. From intracranial stimulation, fMRI photo-electronic retina & #ethics. #sketchnotes
On LkdIn: The Centre for Neurotechnology organised a day of talks and posters on getting started.
Headed off by Aleksandra Vuckovic and Simon Hanslmayr this New Centre promises to be an interesting combination of people pushing the boundaries of technology and science to increase our abilities to understand and influence our senses and brains. The topics of the talks ranged from basic science of using interfering stimulation frequencies to activate or suppress particular activities in the brain by Nir Grossman to applied high end photo-electronic devices to replace the photoreceptors in the retina by Keith Mathieson to reflections on the ethics of brain/computer interfaces by Emma C Gordon.
For a collection of sketchnotes of all but one talk on the day please have a look
neurotechnology braincomputerinterface BCI fMRI ehics vagus transcranial