Matthew Dalby: Engineered stem cell niches that regulate intracellular tension to control phenotype

Engineered stem cell niches that regulate intracellular tension to control phenotype 

Links to Papers mentioned below

Papers mentioned in the talk:

Dalby, M.J. , Gadegaard, N. , Tare, R., Andar, A., Riehle, M.O. , Herzyk, P. , Wilkinson, C.D.W. and Oreffo, R.O.C. (2007) The control of human mesenchymal cell differentiation using nanoscale symmetry and disorder. Nature Materials, 6(12), pp. 997-1003. (doi: 10.1038/nmat2013)

Dalby, M. J. , García, A. J. and Salmeron-Sanchez, M. (2018) Receptor control in mesenchymal stem cell engineering. Nature Reviews Materials, 3, 17091. (doi: 10.1038/natrevmats.2017.91)

Dalby, M. J. , Gadegaard, N. and Oreffo, R. O.C. (2014) Harnessing nanotopography and integrin–matrix interactions to influence stem cell fate. Nature Materials, 13(6), pp. 558-569. (doi: 10.1038/NMAT3980)

Xiao, Y., McGuinness, C. A.S., Doherty-Boyd, W. S., Salmeron-Sanchez, M. , Donnelly, H. and Dalby, M. J. (2022) Current insights into the bone marrow niche: from biology in vivo to bioengineering ex vivo. Biomaterials, 286, 121568. (doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121568) (PMID:35580474)

McMurray, R.J., Gadegaard, N. , Tsimbouri, P.M. , Burgess, K.V., McNamara, L.E., Tare, R., Murawski, K., Kingham, E., Oreffo, R.O.C. and Dalby, M.J. (2011)Nanoscale surfaces for the long-term maintenance of mesenchymal stem cell phenotype and multipotency. Nature Materials, 10(8), pp. 637-644. (doi: 10.1038/nmat3058) (PMID:21765399)