Africa Galves Flores: An in vitro system for cancer therapy testing

Africa Galves Flores 

An in vitro system for cancer therapy testing

Co hosted by Matthew Dalby at the Glasgow Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment and biogelx

More about Africa:
Africa is a Marie Curie Fellow visiting on a graduate training Fellowship associated with biogelx.

Using the Fmoc based hydrogels developed for biology of stem cells by Vineetha Jayawarna, Matt Dalby & Reijn Ulijn 
Link to a short position paper on her poster:

Interesting relevant paper e.g.:  
Alakpa EV, Jayawarna V, Lampel A, Péault B, Ulijn RV, 
Dalby MJ 2016 Tunable Supramolecular Hydrogels for Selection of Lineage-Guiding Metabolites in Stem Cell Cultures. Chem 1 (2), 298-319