Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium 2017

The Scottish Microscopy Group Annual Meeting

45th symposium

Wednesday November 22nd

Beatson Institute, Glasgow

The theme this year is “Resolution”.

Registration and coffee
Trade exhibition and poster hanging/display Book your place for lunchtime workshops

Welcome and outline of the day and workshops

SESSION 1 Better resolution from imaging to light microscopy

Chair: Gail McConnell, University of Strathclyde


Leo Carlin, Beatson Institute 

“Microscopy at the Beatson LM Facility”

Sandy Cochran and Holly Lay, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow

“Microultrasound imaging and other techniques as a route to increased spatial resolution”

Katie Hughes, Welcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology, University of Glasgow

“Flow cytometry with imaging: using the Imagestream in parasitology”


Chair: Leo Carlin, Beatson Institute

Ricardo Henriques, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, UCL, London 

“From TIRF to SRRF using NanoJ

PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT LECTURE Chair Alan Prescott, University of Dundee Mhairi Towler, Vivomotion, Dundee
“Making your presentations more animated: the experience of Vivomotion”

Lunch and Tradeshow in Atrium (11 trade stands)

Poster session in lecture theatre
Photo competition in lecture theatre (judge Mhairi Towler)
Tour of facilities by Beatson staff and students (escort required)
Workshops in facility labs (signing up and escort required)


Carl Zeiss (Mark Montgomery and Nicolas Sargent): “Fast and Gentle Confocal Imaging with Airyscan, featuring the Airyscan 88”.
Leica Microsystems (Alain Stewart and Tracey Williams), featuring their new TIRF system: “Just one of the many options available on the new DMi8-S live-cell platform”.

OMERO by Will Moore 

“Introduction to OME, OMERO and OMERO-figure.


Gaia Pigino, Max Planck Institute, Dresden

“Structural and functional studies of cilia and intraflagellar transport by 3D cryoEM”

Paper with the data out in Nature Cell Biology 15th October 2018  

SESSION 2 Ultrastructural imaging of biological structures: pushing the limits

Chair: Leandro Lemgruber, University of Glasgow


David Bhella, MRC Centre for Virus Research, University of Glasgow

“New National CryoEM Facility at the Sir Michael Stoker Building, University of Glasgow”

SESSION 3 Selected short orals

Chair David Bhella, University of Glasgow

Nikolaos Panagiotou, Colin Selman and Paul G. Shiels

Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, MVLS, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

“Cellular ageing impacts on microvesicle-mediated tissue regeneration”


Liam M. Rooney1, Lee McCann2, Paul A. Hoskisson1 and Gail McConnell

1 Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, 
2 University of Glasgow, Department of Physics, SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

“Applying the Mesolens to Microbiology; Visualising Biofilm Architecture and Substructure”

Vytautas Zickus, Jonathan M. Taylor 

School of Physics and Astronomy University of Glasgow

“3D + time blood flow mapping using SPIM-microPIV in the developing zebrafish heart”


SESSION 4 Imaging of materials at the highest resolution

Chair Miep Helfrich, University of Aberdeen


Ian MacLaren, Kelvin Nanocharacterisation Centre, University of Glasgow

“Nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy in the electron microscope”

(apologies ran out of ink ...)

Fabio Nudelman, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

“Characterizing the structure and functionality of organic matrices of mineralized tissues”

Prize giving and close Chairs, Alan Prescott and Paul Appleton

More information and abstracts at: