Invited Seminar hosted by Michael Barret
Iwaan Schaap, Herriot Watt University

Some of the papers mentioned:
A. Ortega-Esteban, K. Bodensiek, C. San Martín, M. Suomalainen, U.F. Greber, P.J. de Pablo, I.A.T. Schaap (2015) Fluorescence tracking of genome release during the mechanical unpacking of single viruses. ACS Nano. 11, 10571-10579.
P.N. Dannhauser, M. Platen, H. Böning, I.A.T. Schaap (2015) Durable protein lattices of clathrin that can be functionalized with nano-particles and active bio-molecules. Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, 954-957.
S. Li, C. Sieben, K. Ludwig, C.T. Höfer, S. Chiantia, A. Herrmann, F. Eghiaian, I.A.T. Schaap (2014) pH-controlled two-step uncoating of influenza virus. Biophys. J. 106, 1447-1456.
K. Bodensiek, W. Li, P. Sánchez, S. Nawaz, I.A.T Schaap (2013) A high-speed vertical optical trap for the mechanical testing of living cells at piconewton forces. Rev sci instrum 84, 113707.
S. Nawaz, P. Sánchez, K. Bodensiek, S. Li, M. Simons, I.A.T. Schaap (2012) Cell visco-elasticity measured with AFM and optical trapping at sub-micrometer deformations. PLOS ONE 7, e45297.