Ann Rajnicek: Controlling cell fate and behaviour with extracellular electric fields

Invited seminar at the Institute for
Molecular Cell and Systems Biology 



Dr. Ann Rajnicek

Some of the papers mentioned in the talk:

McCaig, CD, B Song, AM Rajnicek Electrical dimensions in cell science. Journal of cell science 122 (23), 4267-4276
McCaig, CD, AM Rajnicek, B Song, M Zhao Controlling cell behavior electrically: current views and future potential. Physiological reviews 85 (3), 943-978 

Hoare, JI, AM Rajnicek, CD McCaig, RN Barker, HM Wilson Electric fields are novel determinants of human macrophage functions. Journal of leukocyte biology 99 (6), 1141-1151

Shapiro et al 2005 J Neurosurg Spine

Terms & people that may be unfamiliar:

Links to all her papers