Vision Dynamics Workshop: NanoBio Surfaces and Interfaces in Healthcare and Science

NanoBio Surfaces and Interfaces in Healthcare and Science

organsied by Vision Dynamics, Enschede, NL

From the website: "The aim of the workshop is to connect academic business initiatives to prospective academic and corporate customers in the field of nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, bio, food). The basic premise is that early academic business initiatives find early adopters of their prototypes and products, amongst their PhD level peers."

1st keynote speaker; 

Albert van den Berg UT/MIRA
Diagnostics and point-of-care trends and future, incl. organ on chip as pharmaceutical screening tool and cell model studies

Menno Prins, TU/e 
Biosensing based on particles and single-molecule methods

Jules Keyzer, Diagnostiek voor U
Human diagnostic trends, service, quality and costs

Andre Immink, Philips Handheld Diagnostics
Troponin I point of care test

Jonas Tegenfeldt, Lund Univ.
Nano and microfluidics for diagnostics

Nuno Reis, Biosurfit
spinit – minilab for rapid blood testing

Han Gardeniers, UT/MESA+
Microfluidics with proteins

Filip Delport, Fox Diagnostics
A Fast Assay for Infliximab Detection in serum using Fiber- Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor

Maurizio Ventre, IIT/Univ. Naples
Mastering Material-Cytoskeleton crosstalk to Engineering biological tissues in vitro


Hans Bouwmeester, Waageningen UR
Human gut-on-a-chip as a model for bioavailability and biotransformation studies

Norman Munroe, Florida International Univ.
Tailoring the corrosion and biological response of novel biomaterials

Roman Truckenmüller, MERLN Maastricht
Engineering 3D cell and tissue interfaces in advanced microwell arrays

Paul Vulto, CEO Mimetas
The Organ on a Chip Company

2nd keynote speaker 
Govind V. Kaigala, IBM Research Laboratory, Zurich
Microfluidic probe technology for tissue and cell micro processing

3rd keynote speaker 
Ben Lich, FEICo
Recent Electron Microscopy developments : from 2D to 3D, for cellular architecture to near atomic macromolecular structure analysis

Valery Taly, Univ. Paris Descartes
From droplet based microfluidics to digital PCR: the development of a new tool for cancer patient follow up

Sabeth Verpoorte, RUG
Monitoring Cellular Micromotion in Endothelial Cell Layers using a Microfluidic/Photonic Approach

Maarten Jongsma, Waageningen UR
Lead compound discovery by coupling LCMS to microfluidic cell assays

Richard B.M. Schasfoort, IBIS Technologies BV
Functional epitope discovery for potential therapeutic antibody- based lead candidates using high throughput label-free screening technologies

Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez, Glasgow Univ.
Polymers for nanoscale assembly of proteins at interfaces

Wolfgang Parak , Univ. Marburg
Interaction of colloids with cells

Dorothee Wasserberg, UT
Inkjet printing of cell staining reagents for on-chip sample preparation