Tracy Palmer: The export of proteins across the bacterial plasma membrane

Invited seminar at the Institute for
Molecular Cell and Systems Biology 



Prof. Tracy Palmer
University of Dundee 

Some of the papers mentioned in the talk:
Alcock, F, Baker, MAB, Greene, NP, Palmer, T, Wallace, MI and Ben C. Berks 2013 Live cell imaging shows reversible assembly of the TatA component of the twin-arginine protein transport system.  110 E3650-9.
Cleon, F., Habersetzer, J., Alcock, F., Kneuper, H., Stansfeld, P. J., Basit, H., Wallace, M. I., Berks, B. C. and Palmer, T. (2015) The TatC component of the twin-arginine protein translocase functions as an obligate oligomer. Mol Microbiol. 98, 111-129

Gohlke, U et al. The TatA component of the twin-arginine protein transport system forms channel complexes of variable diameter. PNAS 2005 102 (30) 10482-10486