Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology Seminar Series
Invited Seminar
Professor Lora Heisler
University of Aberdeen
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Publications mentioned in the talk:
Burke LK, Heisler LK. (2015) 5-hydroxytryptamine medications for the treatment of obesity. J Neuroendocrinol. 27, 389-98.
Garfield AS, Shah BP, Madara JC, Burke LK, Patterson CM, Flak J, Neve RL, Evans ML, Lowell BB, Myers MG Jr, Heisler LK (2014) A parabrachial-hypothalamic cholecystokinin neurocircuit controls counterregulatory responses to hypoglycemia. Cell Metab. 20, 1030-7
Flak JN, Patterson CM, Garfield AS, D'Agostino G, Goforth PB, Sutton AK, Malec PA, Wong JM, Germani M, Jones JC, Rajala M, Satin L, Rhodes CJ, Olson DP, Kennedy RT, Heisler LK, Myers MG Jr. (2014) Leptin-inhibited PBN neurons enhance responses to hypoglycemia in negative energy balance. Nat Neurosci. 17, 1744-1750.
Doslikova B, Garfield AS, Shaw J, Evans ML, Burdakov D, Billups B, Heisler LK.
5-HT2C receptor agonist anorectic efficacy potentiated by 5-HT1B receptor agonist coapplication: an effect mediated via increased proportion of pro-opiomelanocortin neurons activated. J Neurosci. 33, 9800-4
Yeo GS, Heisler LK. (2012) Unraveling the brain regulation of appetite: lessons from genetics. Nat Neurosci. 15, 1343-9
Lam DD, Leinninger GM, Louis GW, Garfield AS, Marston OJ, Leshan RL, Scheller EL, Christensen L, Donato J Jr, Xia J, Evans ML, Elias C, Dalley JW, Burdakov DI, Myers MG Jr, Heisler LK. (2011) Leptin does not directly affect CNS serotonin neurons to influence appetite. Cell Metab. 13, 584-91
A Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow, her research aims to elucidate the neuroendocrinology of energy homeostasis and neural influences on peripheral metabolism, in order to define novel therapeutic targets for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Previous positions have been at University of Cambridge and Harvard Medical School.
More about Lora's research: LINK