Biomaterials Seminars Glasgow & tinyGLORI Meeting
Invited talkProf. Jason Burdick
University of Pensylvania

More about Jason's work:
Papers mentioned in the talk:
L. Bian, C. Hou, E. Tous, R. Rai, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, The Influence of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Crosslinking Density and Macromolecular Diffusivity on Human MSC Chondrogenesis and Hypertrophy, Biomaterials, 34:413-421, 2013.
I.L. Kim, S. Khetan, B.M. Baker, C.S. Chen, J.A. Burdick, Fibrous Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels that Direct MSC Chondrogenesis through Mechanical and Adhesive Cues, Biomaterials, 34:5571-5580, 2013.
L. Bian, M. Guvendiren, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Hydrogels that Mimic Developmentally Relevant Matrix and N-cadherin Interactions Enhance MSC Chondrogenesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 110:10117-10122, 2013.
M.B. Fisher, N.S. Belkin, A.R. Milby, E.A. Henning, M. Bostrom, M. Kim, G. Meloni, G.R. Dodge, J.A. Burdick, T.P. Schaer, D.R. Steinberg, R.L. Mauck, Cartilage Repair and Subchondral Bone Remodeling in Response to Focal Lesions in a Mini-Pig Model: Impact of Injury Type and Treatment, Tissue Engineering A, 3:850-860, 2015.
B.M. Baker, B. Trappmann, W.Y. Wang, M.S. Sakar, I.L. Kim, V.B. Shenoy, J.A. Burdick, C.S. Chen, Cell-Mediated Fiber Recruitment Drives Extracellular Matrix Mechanosensing in Engineered Fibrillar Microenvironments, Nature Materials, 14:1262-1268, 2015.
I.L. Kim, C.G. Pfeifer, M.B. Fisher, V. Saxena, G.R. Meloni, M. Kwon, M. Kim, D.R. Steinberg, R.L. Mauck, J.A. Burdick, Fibrous Scaffolds with Varied Fiber Chemistry and Growth Factor Delivery Promote Repair in a Porcine Cartilage Defect Model, Tissue Engineering A, 21:2680-2690, 2015.