Glasgow Biomaterials Seminars 2014/15 #BioMatSem


continued for 2015/16


This seminar series is organised by Monica Tsimbouri (Biology) & Andres Alba Perez (Engineering), it offers a weekly slot (Tuesdays 10-11) for external and internal speakers to showcase their research to the Biomaterials Community at the University of Glasgow.

9th of June
Dr Annie Cheng from Prof M. Salmeron-Sanchez group and 
Peter Young a clinical fellow doing his PhD in CCE with Prof M. Dalby.

2nd of June
Prof Paula Mendes
University of Birmingham

Nanotechnology - expanding the function and utility of artificial biological interfaces

26th of May
Fatma Bathawab Bioengineering PhD student (Supervisors: Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez & Prof Matthew Dalby)

21st of May
Prof. Evelyn Yim
National University of Singapore
Topography regulations of cell behaviours for tissue engineering applications

19th of May
Report on Interface Biology of Implants Monica Tsimbouri, Ricky Unadkat, Mathis Riehle

12th of May
Dr. Julien Gautrot.Lecturer in Biomaterials, School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary, University of London
Cell Biomaterials Interfaces 

2nd of May
Emily Elizabeth Louise Lewis 
CCE PhD student (Supervisors: Dr Cath Berry and Prof Matt Dalby)
Modelling the mesenchymal stem cell niche in vitro using magnetic nanoparticles
Jason DM Bolderson 
Biomedical Engineering/CCE PhD student (Supervisors: Dr Huabing Yin, Prof Matt Dalby and Prof Maggie Cusack)

28th April 2015
Prof. Elisabeth Engel
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia - IBEC

21st April 2015
Lu Shin Wong
University of Manchester
New Materials for Cell & Molecular Biology by Scanning Probe Microscopy

24th of March 2015 
GLORI meeting, open

16th March 2015
Mark Bennet
Prof Salmeron-Sanchez group, Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Investigating how the mobility of surfaces affects extracellular matrix properties and cell behaviour

3rd of March 2015
Dr Laura McNamara
CCE, University of Glasgow
Dynamic surfaces for stem cell modulation

26th February 2015
Dr Ryosuke Ogaki
Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University, Denmark
Biomedical Interfaces Engineering: Controlling biological entities at all scales

26th February 2015
Prof. Mercedes Costell
Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain & visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Bavaria
In vivo analysis of the α5 integrin adhesion to fibronectin

17th February 2015
Dr Xiaofe Yuan
Huabing Yin's Group in Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow
Design and fabrication of a 3D microfluidic device for cell sorting based on Raman signal

20. January 2015
Dr Matthew Baker
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Biomedical Spectroscopic and Spectrometric Imaging

18th December 2014
GLORI meeting, Glasgow contingent

9th December 2014
Dr Nacho Molina
University of Edinburgh, SynthSys Center, Edinburgh, UK
Stochastic gene expression in single mammalian cells

2nd December 2014
Debra Chong
Visiting Clinical Fellow from UCL (in CCE with Prof. Matt Dalby)
Engineering the Luminal Surface - Vascular Graft Endothelialisation 

25th November 2014
Dr Aldo Leal
CCE, University of Glasgow
Review of prior work & outlook 

18th November 2014
Edward Grahame
CCE, University of Glasgow

Respiratory Tract Modelling of Mannheimia haemolytica Colonisation

11th November 2014
Dr Marco Cantini
Prof Salmeron-Sanchez group, Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Vitronectin tunes the biological activity of material-driven fibronectin matrices

4. November 2014
Dr Mark Hughes
University of Edinburgh
Patterning cells and building neuronal networks on silicon

29. October 2014
Mr Ashish Machendra
Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
Primary Bone Tumours

20th October 2014
Laurence Stepic
Glasgow Polyomics
Metabolic profiling of the Staphylococcal biofilm
15th October 2014
Dr Vladimira Moulisova
Prof Salmeron-Sanchez group, Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Promoting vascularization in bioactive microenvironments

8th October 2014
Dr Duncan Sharp
Taragenix, Glasgow, UK
Bone materials interfaces 


At the core of the Biomaterials community in Glasgow are the Centre for Cell Engineering at the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, and the Research Division Biomedical Engineering at the College for Science and Engineering.

If you work in the area of biomaterials & tissue engineering and know that you will be in or around Glasgow - why not drop in - if you are eager Monica & Andres can organise a talk - it will in any case be listed here, and maybe doodled ... 

Contacts: monica.tsimbouri(AT), andres.albaperez(AT)

Science, Biomaterials, Cell Biology, Regenerative Medicine, Materials science, nanofabrication, surface chemistry