Vikram Deshpande: Bio-chemomechanical models for cell contractility and focal adhesion

1st of April 2015, Chichley Hall

Vikram Deshpande talked about a model that he developed together with Robert McMeekum and Patrick McGarry (see later posts) to explain the organisation of the contractile aspects of the acto-myosin cytoskeleton within mammalian cells in response to external cyclic loading.

This models aims to explain how by minimal assumptions about the building blocks of the contractile apparatus the alignment and organisation of the cytoskeleton is an emergent property, entirely based in predictable biochemical responses to the external deformation applied.

More about Vikram and his work:

This talk was part of a workshop on "Cell Mechanobiology" organised by Rene de Borst, which took place April 1st and 2nd 2015, with support by the Royal Society at Chicheley Hall. for the programme details see: