Joe Swift: Model systems to understand the response to dynamic tensile strain in ageing cells and tissues
Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology Seminar Series (#IMCSBSems)
University of Manchester
Invited Seminar
Dr Joe SwiftUniversity of Manchester
Papers mentioned in the talk:
- Dingal, P., Bradshaw, A., Cho, S., Raab, M., Buxboim, A., Swift, J. & Discher, D (2015). Fractal heterogeneity in minimal matrix models of scars modulates stiff-niche stem-cell responses via nuclear exit of a mechanorepressor. Nature Materials, 14(9), 951. eScholarID:278199
- Ivanovska, I., Shin, J., Swift, J. & Discher, D (2015). Stem cell mechanobiology: diverse lessons from bone marrow. Trends in Cell Biology, 25(9), 523-532. eScholarID:278201
- Swift, J., Ivanovska, I., Buxboim, A., Harada, T., Dingal, P., Pinter, J., Pajerowski, J., Spinler, K., Shin, J., Tewari, M. & . (2013). Nuclear lamin-A scales with tissue stiffness and enhances matrix-directed differentiation. Science, 341(6149), 1240104. eScholarID:236170
- Shin, J., Spinler, K., Swift, J., Chasis, J., Mohandas, N. & Discher, D (2013). Lamins regulate cell trafficking and lineage maturation of adult human hematopoietic cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(47), 18892-18897. eScholarID:236162
- Shin, J., Swift, J., Ivanovska, I., Spinler, K., Buxboim, A. & Discher, D (2013). Mechanobiology of bone marrow stem cells: From myosin-II forces to compliance of matrix and nucleus in cell forms and fates. Differentiation, 86(3), 77-86. eScholarID:236168
- Swift, J., Harada, T., Buxboim, A., Shin, J., Tang, H., Speicher, D. & Discher, D (2013). Label-free mass spectrometry exploits dozens of detected peptides to quantify lamins in wildtype and knockdown cells. Nucleus, 4(6), 7-6. eScholarID:236163
A previous doodle on Joe's talk at a Royal Society Meeting on Mechanobiology:
More info about Joe's work:
colour versions - when I find the time
colour versions - when I find the time