Peter Lindblad: Design, engineering, and construction of photosynthetic microbial cell factories for direct solar fuel production

Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology Glasgow

Invited Seminar 


Prof. Peter Lindblad
Uppsala University Sweden 
(Hosted by Anna Amtmann)

Peter Lindblad is Professor, Microbial chemistry (2009) at Uppsala University, Professor in Biology (2000) at the same university. Originally educated as a teacher, he took his PhD in physiological botany at Uppsala University (1987) and then carried out post doctoral studies in Western Australia and in New York financed by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR). This was followed by Research Associate (1989) and Research Fellow (1991) positions, both at Uppsala University and both financed by NFR.
His research explores the conversion of solar energy into a biofuel, focussing on microalgal based H2-production and hydrogenases at applied, physiological, biochemical and molecular levels - in total about 170 scientific publications. He and his research group are using different molecular and genetic techniques with a focus on traditional and novel technologies to address transcriptional regulation and regulatory mechanisms. In the last years strong interests for Synthetic biology and the possibilities to custom design, construct, and engineer microbial cells to carry out novel pathways and functions have emerged. The overall goal is to develop novel photosynthetic cell factories producing solar fuels directly from solar energy, air and water.

For more information on Peter’s research and publications see: